Friday, April 15, 2011

Prada Handbags

Prada Handbags
Yes, we know The Devil Wears Prada, and you're damned if you get to walk around with nothing less than himself Prad a real handbag. The question is, of course, how do you know they are super expensive Prada Handbags (because after all, you can not have one) you just spent a lot of money for the real thing and not not a bunch of cheap manufactured imitation from China? Well, there are several ways to tell.

Suppose you bought your bag from a reputable dealer and when you think you have something real, but you're still not sure. After all, most fake Prada handbags there and want the comfort of knowing that you were not ripped off. When there is a genuine Prada handbag, the first thing is sure to sew. It should be firm and straight. The fake he pressed to maximize profits and the bag occasionally sewing of bad real factory would never leave the factory floor, lest they destroy the name Prada.

The smell of leather is also nice. Basically, if it feels cheap or skanky, it probably is. Believe it or not, there are different types of leather available. Some feel really good, others are a little on the skanky side. Needless to say, the Prada does not build their reputation by selling Prada handbags skanky.

Another way to tell is to touch. There are all kinds of leather materials there. The cheapest type is what I stitched all over, which is made of leather scraps. Basically, when they cut a piece of leather is a natural product made from cow skin, and even forms. So they cut a piece they need and leave the rest above. The residues are then collected and sewn together to make new pieces of leather.

These are the cheapest type of skin, and if the Prada bag made to look like that, then you have yourself a very fake Prada bags on the market today.

Another way to tell if you are showing Prada handbags are fake or real is to check the bag label and logo. Logo should look like the Real Deal Prada logo with the triangle, and spelling. Remember episode of Everybody Hates Chris purchase Pure Voodoo, but it should have been written Peur Voodoo? It 'really so widespread counterfeiting is so stupid mistakes.

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